Friday, 31 October 2014


Chau visiem 31. Oktobra piektdienaa :)

Sonedel pa temai apciemoju Lush veikalu, iegadajos helovinu temai atbilstosas vannas bumbas.
Diemzel netiku pie kirbisa vannas bumbas.

Bet iegadajos divas citas
*Muļķu karaklis

Wednesday, 29 October 2014


Few days ago I ordered few jewelry and clothes from SHEINSIDE.

So this is my first order from this page, I`m waiting now to see :) 


here what I ordered.

with love...

Thursday, 9 October 2014

Autumn wishlist

My Autumn wishlist

1. Jauns mētelis rudenim, vairāk sportiska stila, jo man jau ir klasiska stila mētelīši 
New coat for autumn, more like sproty and cosy style, because I already have classic coats 

2. Jauna skropstu tuša, manējā drīz beigsies
New mascara

3. Jauns bronzeris, mans jau gandrīz tukšs
New bronzer, mine is almost emty

4. Nenāktu par sliktu, kāds silts džemperīts
It will not be bad to get a new cosy sweater

5. Gribu daudz daudz kakao ar pufiņiem :)
I want to get a lot of cacao with marshmallow :)

6. Ombre stila zeķubikses, patīk, patīk !!! :) 
Ombre style tights

7. Sprejs matiem, lai aizsargātu matus no karstuma.
Spray for my hair, who protects them from heat 

pictures from
8. Vannas bumbas, īpaši Lush Helovīnu kolekcijas
*Muļķu karaklis
Bath bombs, especially Lush Halloween collection
*Northern Lights
* Lord of Misrule
*Sparkling Pumpkin

Kā ir ar Tavu vēlmju sarakstu rudenim ? 

How about your autumn wishlist ?

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

My new the best BODY SCRUB

Champs de Provence
Body Scrub

So briniskigo kermena skrubi man uzdavinaja mamma ( kopa ar dusas zeleju, kuru var redzet zemak )
This amazing body scrub I got as a present from my mom :) 

Skrubis ir ar laimu un basiliku

Isti nezinu, kur tas tika pirkts, bet skrubis ir fantastisks!

1. Jau iepakojums ir vienkarss, bet skaists
2. Patikama smarza

1. Packaging is simple, but beautiful
2. It smells nice 

Skrubis ir ellains, kad to uzklaj uz adas, sajutas ir fantastiskas. Pec skrubja nomazgasanas, liekas ka ada butu sasmereta ar mitrinosu kremu. Dievigi :)

This scrub is oily, when you apply it to your skin it feels amazing. After you wash it off, you feel like you applied a moisturising cream on your body. I LOVE IT!

So dusas zeleju nopirka komplekta. Pagaidam neversu vala, lai nenoveco, jo lietoju citu dusas zeleju :)
Driz jau saksies testesana
Vai esi sastapusies ar so Champse de Provence firmas produktiem?

This shower gel I got together with body scrub, but I didn`t open it yet, becaus I already have one shower gel opened :) 
But soon I will try this one :)

Wednesday, 1 October 2014


Neliekas, ka rudens  būtu klāt, bet jāsāk domāt.
Šodien dažas bildītes ar rudenīgu noskaņu no

Today few pictures with fall theme :) from